To glorify God by uniting churches and organizations to transform and empower at-risk communities through the love of Jesus Christ and power of Holy Spirit

Keepin' It Real
A relevant ministry for young men ages 11+ who are learning to approach life's challenges from a Christ-centered perspective.
CashApp: $UnitedInHim
Zeffy:Click Here (A new and Free way to donate via credit card
Check: United In Him, PO Box 6003, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
e-Gift Card
*All donations are tax-deductible.

Girls' Bible Study
A powerful time with girls ages 8-11 learning the Bible stories and their relevance to today's life, understanding the power of prayer, and encouraging one another.
Meets every Tuesday from 3-5pm.
CashApp: $UnitedInHim
Zeffy:Click Here A new and Free way to donate via credit card online
Check: United In Him, PO Box 6003, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
e-Gift Card

Dream Church
Each week on Sunday Friday we pick up a van-load of children (and sometimes parents) for church. They participate in dancing during the worship and sometimes even with flags. On Sundays they attend Children's Church while on Fridays they complete a small Bible study and take notes. We also serve pizza or Wendy's before service.
Our monthly cost to serve dinner before church is around $400. If you feel led to contribute to feeding the kids before service:
CashApp: $UnitedInHim
Zeffy:Click Here A new and Free way to donate via credit card
Check: United In Him, PO Box 6003, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
e-Gift Card to
*All donations are tax-deductible.

Early Morning Prayer & Breakfast
6:00AM the van pulls into the parking lot of Twin Canal and picks up kids for Early Morning Prayer at New Life. It's amazing that every week children get up on their own and make to the van at 6AM! They learn to find a scripture or say a prayer at the microphone. Then we go to breakfast at either IHOP or Chick-Fil-A.
Our monthly cost to provide breakfast after early morning prayer is around $400. If you feel led to contribute:
CashApp: $UnitedInHim
Zeffy:Click Here (A new and Free way to donate via credit card
Check: United In Him, PO Box 6003, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
e-Gift Card
*All donations are tax-deductible.

Movie and Pizza
Mondays at 3:30 at the Twin Canal Community Center. A character building program that teaches the Word and worship through the Superbook movie series.
Our monthly cost to serve pizza is $200. If you feel led to contribute:
CashApp: $UnitedInHim
Zeffy:Click Here (A new and Free way to donate via credit card
Check: United In Him, PO Box 6003, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
e-Gift Card
*All donations are tax-deductible.

Monthly Skate
The last Thursday of the month we take the top 14 kids (based on attendance) to Greenbrier Family Skate Center for Gospel Skate Night and free pizza. Every month their staff rewards a child with exemplary behavior a FREE pair of their very own skates!
Our monthly cost for skating is $150. If you feel led to contribute:
CashApp: $UnitedInHim
Zeffy:Click Here (A new and Free way to donate via credit card
Check: United In Him, PO Box 6003, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
e-Gift Card
*All donations are tax-deductible.